Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.drill.exec.exception
Distributed cache for syncing state and data between Drillbits.
Java client API for submitting queries and accepting result sets from a Drill
Runtime code-generation, compilation and bytecode-manipulation utilities.
Zookeeper/Curator integration code.
Execution-time exceptions.
Memory Allocation, Account and Management
See the file in this directory for detailed information about Drill's memory allocation subsystem.
Implementation of a row set model for hyper-batches.
Provides a set of tools to work with row sets.
Communication security.
Drill storage plugin.
Defines a mock data source which generates dummy test data for use
in testing.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.cache
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.clientClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.compile
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.coord.zk
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.exceptionClassDescriptionMetadata runtime exception to indicate issues connected with table metadata.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.impl
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.expr.fn.registry
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.memoryClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.opsClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.opt
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.implClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.TopNClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.aggregateClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.broadcastsenderClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.common
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.filterClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.flattenClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.joinClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.limitClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.mergereceiverClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.metadataClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.orderedpartitionerClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.partitionsenderClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.producerClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.project
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.rangepartitionerClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.setopClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.sortClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.statisticsClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.svremoverClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.unionClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.unnestClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.unorderedreceiverClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.unpivotClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.windowClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.impl.xsort
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.recordClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.record.selection
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.rpc
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.control
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.user
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.server
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.service
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.storeClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.vectorClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complexClassDescriptionThis is thrown in various cases when Drill cannot allocate Direct Memory.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.exception used by