Package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base
package org.apache.drill.exec.physical.base
ClassDescriptionRepresents table group scan with metadata usage.AbstractGroupScanWithMetadata.GroupScanWithMetadataFilterer<B extends AbstractGroupScanWithMetadata.GroupScanWithMetadataFilterer<B>>This class is responsible for filtering different metadata levels.Describes an operator that expects more than one children operators as its input.AbstractPhysicalVisitor<T,
X, E extends Throwable> Describes an operator that expects a single child operator as its input.A DbGroupScan operator represents the scan associated with a database.Exchanges are fragment boundaries in physical operator tree.FileGroupScan operator represents all data which will be scanned from FileSystem by a given physical plan.A Physical Operator that can be the leaf node of one particular execution fragment.Describes the root operation within a particular Fragment.A GroupScan operator represents all data which will be scanned by a given physical plan.Describes a physical operator that has affinity to particular nodes.An IndexGroupScan operator represents the scan associated with an Index.Contract between Lateral Join and any operator on right side of it consuming the input from left side.Operator which specifically is a lowest level leaf node of a query plan across all possible fragments.PhysicalVisitor<RETURN,EXTRA, EXCEP extends Throwable> Visitor class designed to traversal of a operator tree.A receiver is one half of an exchange operator.Marker interface describe the root of a query plan.Cost estimate for a scan.The operator for creatingSchemalessBatch
instancesThe type of scan operator, which allows to scan schemaless tables (DynamicDrillTable
with null selection)A sender is one half of an exchange node operations.An interface which supports storing a record stream.A SubScan operator represents the data scanned by a particular major/minor fragment.Writer physical operator