Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet
Provides a second-generation row set (AKA "record batch") writer used
by client code to
Define the schema of a result set.
Write data into the vectors backing a row set.
Handles the details of the result set loader implementation.
The "row set model" provides a "dual" of the vector structure used to create,
allocate and work with a collection of vectors.
Implementation of a row set model for hyper-batches.
This set of classes models the structure of a batch consisting
of single vectors (as contrasted with a hyper batch.) Provides tools
or metdata-based construction, allocation, reading and writing of
the vectors.
Provides a set of tools to work with row sets.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSetClassDescriptionReader for all types of row sets: those with or without a selection vector.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.implClassDescriptionReader for all types of row sets: those with or without a selection vector.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSetClassDescriptionBasic implementation of a row set for both the single and multiple (hyper) varieties, both the fixed and extensible varieties.Base class for row sets backed by a single record batch.Implementation of a single row set with no indirection (selection) vector.Single row set coupled with an indirection (selection) vector, specifically an SV2.A row set is a collection of rows stored as value vectors.Single row set which is empty and allows writing.Row set comprised of multiple single row sets, along with an indirection vector (SV4).Row set that manages a single batch of rows.Fluent builder to quickly build up an row set (record batch) programmatically.Reader for all types of row sets: those with or without a selection vector.Interface for writing values to a row set.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSet used by for all types of row sets: those with or without a selection vector.