Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer
Handles the details of the result set loader implementation.
This set of classes models the structure of a batch consisting
of single vectors (as contrasted with a hyper batch.) Provides tools
or metdata-based construction, allocation, reading and writing of
the vectors.
Provides a set of tools to work with row sets.
Provides a light-weight, simplified set of column readers and writers that
can be plugged into a variety of row-level readers and writers.
Implementation of the vector writers.
This package provides a "dummy" set of writers.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.resultSet.implClassDescriptionAbstract base class for the object layer in writers.Implementation for a writer for a tuple (a row or a map.) Provides access to each column using either a name or a numeric index.Listener (callback) to handle requests to add a new column to a tuple (row or map).List writer, which is basically an array writer, with the addition that each list element can be null.Writer to a union vector.Internal interface used to control the behavior of writers.Listener (callback) for vector overflow events.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer used by org.apache.drill.exec.physical.rowSetClassDescriptionAbstract base class for the object layer in writers.Implementation for a writer for a tuple (a row or a map.) Provides access to each column using either a name or a numeric index.Internal interface used to control the behavior of writers.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer used by org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessorClassDescriptionBase class for writers for fixed-width vectors.Base class for writers that use the Java int type as their native type.Base class for concrete scalar column writers including actual vector writers, and wrappers for nullable types.Column writer implementation that acts as the basis for the generated, vector-specific implementations.Column writer implementation that acts as the basis for the generated, vector-specific implementations.Base class for variable-width (VarChar, VarBinary, etc.) writers.Internal interface used to control the behavior of writers.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer used by org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writerClassDescriptionWriter for an array-valued column.Index into the vector of elements for a repeated vector.Object representation of an array writer.Base class for writers for fixed-width vectors.Abstract base class for the object layer in writers.Base class for concrete scalar column writers including actual vector writers, and wrappers for nullable types.Column writer implementation that acts as the basis for the generated, vector-specific implementations.Wraps a scalar writer and its event handler to provide a uniform JSON-like interface for all writer types.Implementation for a writer for a tuple (a row or a map.) Provides access to each column using either a name or a numeric index.Generic object wrapper for the tuple writer.Listener (callback) to handle requests to add a new column to a tuple (row or map).Column writer implementation that acts as the basis for the generated, vector-specific implementations.Writer for a Dict entry.Writer for a Drill Map type.Writer for an array of either a map or another array.Interface for specialized operations on an offset vector.Specialized column writer for the (hidden) offset vector used with variable-length or repeated vectors.Unions are overly complex.Writer to a union vector.Internal interface used to control the behavior of writers.Listener (callback) for vector overflow events.Tracks the write state of a tuple or variant to allow applying the correct operations to newly-added columns to synchronize them with the rest of the writers.
Classes in org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer used by org.apache.drill.exec.vector.accessor.writer.dummyClassDescriptionWriter for an array-valued column.Abstract base class for the object layer in writers.Base class for concrete scalar column writers including actual vector writers, and wrappers for nullable types.Column writer implementation that acts as the basis for the generated, vector-specific implementations.Interface for specialized operations on an offset vector.Internal interface used to control the behavior of writers.Listener (callback) for vector overflow events.