Asynchronous Parquet Reader

Drill 1.9 introduces an asynchronous Parquet reader option that you can enable to improve the performance of the Parquet Scan operator. The Parquet Scan operator reads Parquet data. Reading Parquet data involves scanning the disk, decompressing and decoding the data, and writing data to internal memory structures (value vectors).

When the asynchronous parquet reader option is enabled, the speed at which the Parquet reader scans, decompresses, and decodes the data increases. The scan operation uses a buffering read strategy that allows the file system to perform larger, sequential reads, which significantly improves query performance.

Typically, the Drill default settings provide the best performance for a wide variety of use cases. However, specific cases that require a high level of performance can benefit from tuning the Parquet Scan operator.

Tuning the Parquet Scan Operator

The store.parquet.reader.pagereader.async option turns the asynchronous Parquet reader on or off. The option is turned on by default. You can use the ALTER SESSION SET command to enable the asynchronous Parquet reader option, as well as the options that control buffering and parallel decoding.

When the asynchronous Page reader option is enabled, the Parquet Scan operator no longer reports operator wait time. Instead, it reports additional operator metrics that you can view in the query profile in the Drill Web UI.

The drill.exec.scan.threadpool_size and drill.exec.scan.decode_threadpool_size parameters in the drill-override.conf file control the size of the threadpools that read and decode Parquet data when the asynchronous Parquet reader is enabled.

For more information, see the functional specification.

The following sections provide the configuration options and details:

Asynchronous Parquet Reader Options

The following table lists and describes the asynchronous Parquet reader options that you can enable or disable using the ALTER SESSION SET command:

Option Description Type Default
store.parquet.reader.pagereader.async Enable the asynchronous page reader. This pipelines the reading of data from disk for high performance. BOOLEAN TRUE
store.parquet.reader.pagereader.bufferedread Enable buffered page reading. Can improve disk scan speeds by buffering data, but increases memory usage. This option is less useful when the number of columns increases. BOOLEAN TRUE
store.parquet.reader.pagereader.buffersize The size of the buffer (in bytes) to use if bufferedread is true. Has no effect otherwise. LONG 1048576
store.parquet.reader.pagereader.usefadvise If the file system supports it, the Parquet file reader issues an fadvise call to enable file server side sequential reading and caching. Since many HDFS implementations do not support this and because this may have no effect in conditions of high concurrency, the option is set to false. Useful for benchmarks and for performance critical queries. BOOLEAN FALSE
store.parquet.reader.columnreader.async Turn on parallel decoding of column data from Parquet to the in memory format. This increases CPU usage and is most useful for compressed fixed width data. With increasing concurrency, this option may cause queries to run slower and should be turned on only for performance critical queries. BOOLEAN FALSE

Drillbit Configuration Parameters

The following table lists and describes the drillbit configuration parameters in drill-override.conf that control the size of the threadpools used by the asynchronous Parquet reader:

Note: You must restart the drillbit for these configuration changes to take effect.

Configuration Option Description Default
drill.exec.scan.threadpool_size The size of the thread pool used for reading data from disk. Currently used only by the Parquet reader. This number should ideally be a small multiple of the number of disks on the node. The pipelining of the scan operator is very sensitive to the scan thread pool size. For the best performance, set the number to 1-2 times the number of disks on the node that are available to the distributed file system. 8
drill.exec.scan.decode_threadpool_size The size of the thread pool used for decoding Parquet data. (number of cores+1)/2

Operator Metrics

When the asynchronous Parquet reader option is enabled, Drill provides the following additional operator metrics, which you can access in the query profile from the Drill Web UI:

Note: Time is measured in nanoseconds.

Metric Description
NUM_DICT_PAGE_LOADS Number of dictionary pages read.
NUM_DATA_PAGE_lOADS Number of data pages read.
NUM_DATA_PAGES_DECODED Number of data pages decoded.
NUM_DICT_PAGES_DECOMPRESSED Number of dictionary pages decompressed.
NUM_DATA_PAGES_DECOMPRESSED Number of data pages decompressed.
TOTAL_DICT_PAGE_READ_BYTES Total bytes read from disk for dictionary pages.
TOTAL_DATA_PAGE_READ_BYTES Total bytes read from disk for data pages.
TOTAL_DICT_DECOMPRESSED_BYTES Total bytes decompressed for dictionary pages. Same as compressed bytes on disk.
TOTAL_DATA_DECOMPRESSED_BYTES Total bytes decompressed for data pages. Same as compressed bytes on disk.
TIME_DICT_PAGE_LOADS Time spent reading dictionary pages from disk.
TIME_DATA_PAGE_LOADS Time spent reading data pages from disk.
TIME_DATA_PAGE_DECODE Time spend decoding data pages.
TIME_DICT_PAGE_DECODE Time spent decoding dictionary pages.
TIME_DICT_PAGES_DECOMPRESSED Time spent decompressing dictionary pages.
TIME_DATA_PAGES_DECOMPRESSED Time spent decompressing data pages.
TIME_DISK_SCAN_WAIT The total time spent by the Parquet Scan operator waiting for the data to be read from disk (completion of an asynchronous disk read to complete). In general, if TIME_DISK_SCAN_WAIT is high, then the query is disk bound and may benefit from faster drives.
TIME_DISK_SCAN The time that the Parquet Scan operator spent reading data from the disk (or more accurately, from the filesystem). TIME_DISK_SCAN is the equivalent metric to the operator wait time reported by the synchronous version of the Parquet reader.


The asynchronous Parquet reader option can increase the amount of memory required to read a single column of Parquet data up to 8MB. When the data in a column is less than 8MB, the reader uses less memory. Therefore, if a Parquet file has many columns (hundreds of columns), each column should have less than 8MB of data in each column.