Class AbstractTableFunctionRecordBatch<T extends PhysicalOperator>

Type Parameters:
T -
All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Iterable<VectorWrapper<?>>, CloseableRecordBatch, RecordBatch, TableFunctionContract, VectorAccessible
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractTableFunctionRecordBatch<T extends PhysicalOperator> extends AbstractUnaryRecordBatch<T> implements TableFunctionContract
Implements AbstractUnaryRecodBatch for operators that do not have an incoming record batch available at creation time; the input is typically set up a few steps after creation. Table functions and operators like Unnest that require input before they can produce output fall into this category. Table functions can be associated with a Lateral operator in which case they simultaneously operate on the same row as the Lateral operator. In this case the LateralContract member is not null and the table function uses the lateral contract to keep in sync with the Lateral operator.